Class of 2022

Congratulations to the Class of 2022

Reverend Dr. Lloyd Smith, President, The Bahamas Baptist Missionary and Educational Convention, and its Executive Officers congratulate the Bahamas Baptist University College 2022 graduates.


President Juliett Reid extends Congratulations on behalf of Administration, Faculty and Staff of the Bahamas Baptist University College to the Class of 2022.  The college recognizes its graduates and all those who played pivotal roles in supporting the academic journey. Congratulations to loved ones, parents, guardians, friends, and significant others who were a part of this incredible journey. 

Graduates, your resilience in achieving your academic credentials was truly a “Walk of Faith” and must be commended.   


Presentation of the 2022 Candidates


Vice President of Academic Affairs Mrs. Vernette Ferdinand


College of Education & Professional Studies

On behalf of the College of Education and Professional Studies Dean, Dr. Virginia Romer presents Candidates for degree conferral.

Kadasha Davis-Reid

Mya Morley

Camille Neely

Geanté Sands

Kenva Smith


School of Business & Information Systems

On behalf of the School of Business and Information Systems Dean, Mrs. Janet McCalla presents Candidates for degree conferral.

Derricka Burows

Jasmine Thurston

Vick-Fred Victor


School of Natural Sciences

On behalf of the School of Natural Sciences Dean, Mrs. Agnes Adesanya-Gilbert presents the Candidate for degree conferral.

Felicity Butler

Jaqual Harris

Desiree Johnson


School of Sciences and Humanities

On behalf of the Social Sciences and Humanities Dean, Mr. Ervin Dixon presents the Candidates for degree conferral.

Antoniqua Johnson

Krishaun Johnson

Nadia Louissaint

Ray Rahming


School of Theology & Religious Studies

On behalf of the Dean of the School of Theology & Religious Studies, I present the Candidate for degree conferral.

Doralin Albury


Degree Conferral


President Dr. Juliett Reid

By virtue of the authority vested in me as president, I confer upon you the Diploma or Associate or Bachelor degree as achieved, and on the recommendation of Faculty and the College Council, you are now degree holders with all rights pertaining therein. Congratulations to the Class of 2022 and Welcome to the ALUMNI.   Go forward!  We are so proud of you.



Diploma in Biblical Studies Graduate

Doralin Albury
Diploma in Biblical Studies
School of Theology & Religious Studies Divisional Award


Associate of Arts Degree Graduates

Derricka Burows
A.A. in Business Management
School of Business & Information Systems Divisional Award


Felicity Butler
A.A. in Biology with Chemistry
School of Natural Sciences


Jaqual Harris
A.A. in Biology with Chemistry


Antoniqua Johnson
A.A. in Psychology with Sociology


Desiree Johnson
A.A. in Biology with Chemistry

Krishaun Johnson
A.A. in Psychology with Sociology


Nadia Louissaint
A.A. in Law & Criminal Justice
President’s Award
School of Social Sciences & Humanities Divisional Award


Ray Rahming
A.A. in Law & Criminal Justice


Jasmine Thurston
A.A. in Accounting


Vick-Fred Victor
A.A. in Accounting


Bachelor of Education Degree Graduates

Kadasha Davis-Reid
B.Ed. in Primary Education


Mya Morley
B.Ed. in Primary Education


Camille Neely
Dean’s Award

College of Education & Professional Studies Divisional Award


Geanté Sands
B.Ed. in Early Childhood Education


Kenva Smith
Rev. Dr. Charles W. Saunders Educator’s Award


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